AGM 19TH NOV 2023

A.G.M NOVEMBER 19th November 2023
The Chair, Karen Dyson, opened the meeting at 7.30pm.
Attendance Register 27: C& L Adams, L. Burgess, M. Jacques, V& K Priestner, Lynn Woods,
T. Collins, R. Stroud, R. Fairhurst, T& S Biddolph, S. Dunwoodie, T. Dyson, G& J Clark,
E. Tennant, H. Preece, L& B. Kneale, J& B. Makin, A. Holmes, A. Wilson, E& S. Johnston, P. White.
Apologies received from 8: R. Prescott, A. Lowe, T& J. Ashcroft, S& C. Jacobs, D. Suthern,
B. Baylis.
In Memorium
KD then requested those present to stand for a few moments silence to remember those past members of the bowling club who had sadly passed away during the year.
Joe Brine, Pat Dearden, & Len Patrick
Minutes of AGM 2022
The minutes had been made available to all members via the Club website.
They were approved unanimously and duly signed as a correct record by the Chair.
Matters Arising – None
Chairmans Report
KD then gave her report in which she thanked the committee members, the maintenance working party and the coaching team for their support and valuable assistance throughout the year.
Particular thanks went to Haydn Preece for his excellent work once again on the green and also to the hard working gardening team for their superb work on the surrounds which resulted in the club being included as part of the Ainsdale in Bloom bid which was awarded a gold medal and the ‘Best NW Town’ award.
Team reports were then given for the 17 teams which represented the club in the various Leagues this year.
Winners of the various competitions run throughout the season were announced and congratulations were given with particular thanks to those members who organised the events.
She reported two grants received from Asda & Magic Little Grants amounting to £900 and also a bid to HMRC for tax rebate which should be c £1300, thanks were given to the Ladies for their fund-raising events during the year and to Haydn Preece who organised two successful quiz nights which together with an anonymous gift of £1000 raised sufficient funds for much needed green maintenance equipment.
• Ed Tennant proposed a vote of thanks to the Chair and the committee for their valuable work over the last year.
Treasurers Report
In his absence, Ged Walmsley had prepared a report which the Secretary read at the meeting.
He reported the club finances to be in reasonable shape, finishing the year with a satisfactory excess of income over expenditure and a healthy balance going into next year which was partially due to income from the Covid insurance claim, a very generous donation and grant money received during the year.
He reported that although expenditure on green maintenance had increased considerably since pre-Covid, the decision to increase the annual subscription and income received from several fundraising events we were able to roughly break even over the year.
He thanked all those who had helped him during the year, collecting tea monies and providing refreshment supplies and, since this was to be his last report as Treasurer, gave best wishes to his successor.
Karen Dyson wished to place on record the thanks of the whole club, to Ged, for his excellent and efficient stewardship of the club’s finances over the last 12 years.
Election of Officers
President. Len Adams
Chair. Although, in accordance with the Constitution, the Vice Chair would automatically take the Chair, Karen Dyson kindly agreed to remain in office for a further year.
Vice-Chair. No other nominations being received, the committee appointment during the year of Bob Fairhurst as Vice-Chair was approved.
No other nominations being received; the following officers were declared.
Secretary. Len Adams
Treasurer. Trevor Dyson
Safeguarding Officers. Karen Dyson & Gary Baker
Green Manager. Haydn Preece
Main Club Representative. Karen Dyson
Committee Member. Pat White & Ed Tennant
Ex-Officio Member. Brian Kneale (Retiring Chair)
Auditor. Stephen Morrison (Committee nomination)
General Business
No propositions had been received for consideration.
Social Events. Various social events in 2024 requiring organisers.
Summer Social – Cath & Len Adams
Mixed Day Out – Haydn Preece, Gary Baker, Graham Johnston & Lynn Woods
Annual Dinner and Prize Presentation – Karen Dyson, Vera McGee & Lucy Battle
Chairman’s Cup –
President’s Cup – Val & Kevan Priestner
• Bob Fairhurst stated that he, Gary Baker & Haydn Preece would be happy continue with Sanny McCarter’s coaching programme.
• Gwen Clark offered thanks on behalf of the club to all the team captains for their hard work throughout the league season.
There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair, Karen Dyson at 9.15pm.

Signed as a correct record. …………………………………………………………. Chair Date. …….…………………………