MINUTES 12th JAN 2023
Venue Main Club, 10.00am Thursday 12th January 2023.
Present: Karen Dyson (Chair), Vera McGee, Haydn Preece, Bob Fairhurst, Ged Walmsley, and Len Adams. Gary Baker also invited to attend.
Apologies: Brian Kneale
The minutes of 20th September 2022 were approved and signed by the Chair.
• Club accounts broke even for the year. Receipts of £17k from Vodaphone & £15k from the Business Interruptions Claim. Substantial increase in future energy costs expected
• Main Club subs not to be increased.
• New trustees to be appointed at AGM.
• Proposal at AGM to ensure names of football members are recorded in future.
Football section not currently being represented.
• Electric rewire of Main Club to proceed. Satisfactory report received for Bowls club electrics, next inspection due 2026.
• Vodaphone still pursuing plans for extension to mast.
• Possible addition to pool table facilities. Extension to lounge area being considered, estimates to be obtained.
• New practice nets adjacent to bowling green to be installed April/May
• £1944 received as Bowls share of Business Interruptions Claim.
• Current balance at bank £3500 incl. £400 ring fenced to fund raising.
• Budget forecast for 2023 total £8.5k including all known expenses, maintenance costs and green cutting. Current income from subs & refreshments c £6.5k. Forecast a deficit of £2k to be taken into account when determining 2023 subscriptions.
• Ahead on work programme, all work so far satisfactory, green looking good.
• Contractor’s costs for next season awaited.
• Recommendation of fortnightly application of Sorrel to be financed by Main Club
• Recommended purchase of an additional switch to remove worm casts, approx. £80, approved.
• LA reported a BCGBA proposal to levy £1 per playing member in addition to the affiliation fee of £40. This is to be voted upon at Lancashire AGM and is expected to be opposed. Letter to be sent to LCCGBA secretary.
• LA reported that since no propositions had been received at the AGM for the post of Vice Chair, the committee had the power to fill the vacancy.
It was proposed and approved that Bob Fairhurst be appointed.
• BF’s appointment meant there was now a vacancy for a committee member. Suggested another lady member would balance the committee.
Following the meeting Pat White has kindly agreed to accept nomination.
• Fund Raising committee proposal to run a Lottery to finance specific Bowls Club projects was discussed. Agreed that in view of the probability of an increase in subscriptions for next year, further action should be postponed.
• KD stated that arrangements were being considered for a Main Club Summer Ball, details as yet unknown.
• Coaching sessions for prospective new members and members wanting additional coaching will again be run at weekends during April.
• KD reported a shortage of cups particularly affecting busy club events.
The purchase of 30 new cups was approved.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 10am Monday 6th March 2023, venue Bowls Clubhouse.
Signed as a true and correct record ………………………………………………………………………………… Chair
Date ………………………………………………