Venue Main Club, 10.00am Monday 6th March 2023.
Present: Karen Dyson (Chair), Vera McGee, Pat White, Haydn Preece, Bob Fairhurst, Ged Walmsley, and Len Adams. Apologies: Brian Kneale
The minutes of 12th January 2023 were approved and signed by the Chair.
• Based on current energy costs, Club estimate a deficit of £7/8k for the year. Budget being prepared for next meeting when new energy contracts are agreed.
• Vodafone & 3G are now being charged monthly for electricity. Vodaphone still pursuing plans for extension to mast.
• Franchise have asked to be charged monthly for all costs. Reported increased takings over Christmas & New Year. Quotes being obtained for Lounge extension. Expressed disappointment at Football section presentation evening going to the Rugby Club.
• Authorised signatories to be assessed for Gift Aid claims to HMRC.
• New trustees to be nominated at AGM, Sanny McCarter, John Thompson, Colin Powell and Jayne Norbury.
• Football must provide details of all registered members by July 1st. Representative not attending the committee meetings.
• Current balance at bank £2500 incl. £400 ring fenced to fund raising. Insurance claim payment prevented a possible deficit .
• All League registration fees now paid by club
• Previous expenditure on green c £3800, future estimated c £10k. Increase in subs of £20 needed to balance.
Recommendation of £90 (subject to no increase in sports levy) approved unanimously.
• All new season prep work on course, some bird damage over winter but green looking good. Concern over appearance of small LDP areas.
• Additional switch purchased and available for use.
• Treatments and cutting aimed at improving performance of green.
• Greensman requires clear access for cutting, request that members are not permitted to use the green for practice or social bowling before 10am each morning.
LA to notify members.
MEMBERSHIP LA reported no change.
Mixed Day Out
HP investigating venues suitable for Men’s Day out, disappointing response to email asking for interest.
Fundraising Quiz Night
Pre-season opening event booked for 24th March in Club lounge, donations of raffle prizes welcome.
Southport Parks League
Now a mixed league and ladies encouraged to join the ‘C’ & ‘D’ teams playing on a Monday night. Contacts Graham Johnston & Bob Fairhurst.
Social Bowling
Sunday afternoon events to continue this season starting in May. Suggest invitation to other clubs to participate in joint event.
Safeguarding Officers
Karen Dyson & Gary Baker to be ABC nominated officers.
Club Calendar
1. Club event to celebrate King’s Coronation, Sunday 7th May starting at 12 noon,
arrangements similar to 2022 Jubilee event.
2. Ladies Spring Pairs Comp, 13th April commencing at 10am.
3. Ladies Challenge trophy, 23rd May, 1pm start.
Memorial Bench
Pat Dearden’s family have kindly offered to provide a bench for the club in memory of Pat and her husband Geoff who was also a member. Possibly to be considered for a CASC claim.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 10am Monday 24th April 2023, venue Bowls Clubhouse.
Signed as a true and correct record ………………………………………………………………………………… Chair