Venue: New committee room, Ainsdale Club, 10am Wednesday 15th May 2024.
Present: Karen Dyson (Chair), Vera McGee, Trevor Dyson, Bob Fairhurst,
Gary Baker, Haydn Preece, Brian Kneale, and Len Adams.
Apologies: Pat White and Ed Tennant.
MINUTES The minutes of 5th March 2024 were approved and signed by the Chair.
• Green opened to members on 23rd March despite earlier heavy rain.
• All now good and more pace in the green has been reported but feedback from team captains welcome. Some bird damage, difficult to protect.
• Leak on sprinkler system to be attended to and Dennis mower still awaiting servicing.
• Thanks to gardening team for efficient moss removal around the green
• Club finances continue to be stable.
• Upgrading work in the bar/lounge areas now complete and toilets in bar area fully refurbished.
• Alterations to changing rooms building also completed and ready for use.
• Pavement area in front of clubhouse cleaned and new furniture planned.
• The Bowls Club finances are in good order, current bank balance c £14.5k.
• Lower sports levy a welcome bonus, all sections will benefit.
• All outstanding bills paid and confident of a healthy financial outcome at Y/E.
• Total membership now 125, a slight fall from 133 last year.
• The successful coaching courses in April attracted 15 new members with one other joining making a total of 16 new members registered for 2024.
• 24 members from 2023 did not rejoin this year of which 15 were new members in 2023 perhaps suggesting we have a problem retaining new members.
• Insurance Premiums 194.91, BCGBA and LCCGBA affiliation fees 75.00 all paid.
• Social Bowling.
BF confirmed Sunday social bowling to be continued. Agreed that some form of organisation is required and unfair for BF to be totally responsible for this all season. Suggested a small team of members recruited to be available to run a social bowls event between 1pm & 4pm on set dates.
BF agreed to arrange.
• Calendar. Further known dates added
• Competitions.
The Arcari Trophy for mixed pairs arranged for Saturday 18th May.
• Toilet Cleaning.
Response to rota has so far been good but LA agreed to send out an email asking for assistance for the second half of the season.
• Winter bowling
HP proposed opening the green for limited periods during the closed season between November and March allowing time for major maintenance works. The opening times would be for weekend periods to be determined by the green manager dependant on the prevailing weather conditions.
This was a welcome initiative approved by committee with a suggestion that it should initially be restricted to club members only with an additional £15 to be charged for the winter period. To be progressed.
• League Affiliations
Reference was made to the fact that the former Westhead ‘A’ team had unilaterally decided to change over to the Burscough League for the 2024 season. It was considered that, since all League fees are paid directly by the club treasurer, due notice should have been given to the management committee prior to any approach to a new League.
Signed as a true and correct record ………………………………………………………… Chair
Date ………………………………………………