1. The Club shall be called ‘The Ainsdale Bowling Club’ (the Club), being a sports section of ‘The Ainsdale Club’ (the Main Club) and will be affiliated to the British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA).
2. The aims and objectives of the club shall be to:-
Encourage and develop the sport of Crown Green Bowls in Ainsdale and the participation of the community in same.
To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in Crown Green Bowling
To manage the Ainsdale Bowling Club and to provide adequate facilities for Crown Green Bowling.
To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club.
To provide all services in a way that is fair to everyone.
To ensure that all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment.
3. Membership and Junior membership shall, subject to completing an application form, be open to all persons regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis
The Management Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct of character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.
4. The Club subscription and any joining fee for new members will be decided by the Management Committee.
5. The Officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Chair, Vice- Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Safeguarding Officer.
6. The Club shall be managed by a Management Committee consisting of the Officers of the Club, a Green Manager and a Bowls representative to the Main Club Management Committee and a Committee member.
7. The Chair’s term of office shall be for one year commencing at the Annual General Meeting. The Vice-Chair, who shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, shall succeed the Chair. The remainder of the Committee, except for the President, shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election. Each retiring Chair shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee for one year following retirement from that office.
8. If any member of the Management Committee fails to attend two consecutive committee meetings without tendering an apology, they may be asked to resign from the committee.
9. If any member of the Management Committee resigns during the year, the Management Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy.
10. The Management Committee shall meet as required. A quorum shall consist of 5 members of which at least 3 must be Officers.
11. All Club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the Club.
12. The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the Club.
13. The financial year of the Club will end on 31st October.
14. Any cheques drawn against Club funds should hold the signatures of the Treasurer and at least one other signature of two persons who have been nominated by the Management Committee.
15. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club shall be held in November each year. Written notice shall be given to members at least 28 days beforehand. Any propositions and nominations for Officers of the Club must be received by the Secretary in writing and seconded at least 14 days before the AGM.
16. The AGM will receive a report from officers of the Management Committee and a statement of the audited accounts.
17. A quorum for the AGM will be 25% of membership of the Club membership.
18. A resolution to dissolve the Club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the members. In the event of dissolution, any financial assets of the Club that remain will transferred to BCGBA.
19. In the event of any point of principle arising which is not provided for in these rules, the Management Committee shall have the power to resolve the problem as it sees fit, pending the decision of the members at an AGM or EGM.
20. If any question or dispute shall arise as to the meaning of these rules, unless concerning the Main Club, the findings of the Management Committee shall be final and conclusive.
21. Proposals for the alteration of any of these rules must be forwarded in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days before an AGM or EGM. A majority vote is required to ratify such changes
22. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the Secretary, at the request of the Chair, or by resolution of the Management Committee, or at the written request of a member supported by the signatures of at least 25 other members, stating the reason for requesting such a meeting.
23. Annual subscriptions shall be paid by the date stipulated by the Main Club and the Management Committee. Any member who has not paid their subscription by the due date shall be ineligible for team selection and will not be allowed to play in any competition, or have free use of the Green, or serve on any committee.
24. The Club domestic competitions shall be run by a sub-committee on dates arranged by the Management Committee. On these dates the Green shall be reserved exclusively for the use of those members participating in the competition. Individual handicaps shall be assessed by the Handicap committee. All tournament scratch times and rules must be strictly adhered to.
25. Club trophies are the property of the Club and cannot be won outright. All holders are responsible for their safe keeping and their return on the date decided by the Management Committee. 26. All members of the Club are expected to keep the Club premises in a clean and tidy condition.
27. Visitors can only play on the Green, if accompanied by a fully paid up member, a maximum of four times and on payment of the fee set annually by the Management Committee.
28. All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be submitted in writing to the Secretary. A sub committee will meet to hear complaints within 7 days of a complaint being lodged. The sub committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including termination of membership. The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person(s) who lodged the complaint and the member(s) against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing. There will be the right of appeal to the Management Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The Management Committee should consider the appeal within 7 days of the Secretary receiving the appeal.
29. Equity Statement. This Club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In doing so, it acknowledges and adopts the Sport England definition of sports equity: – Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society. The Club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status. The Club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse. All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity. The Club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to club disciplinary procedures.
30) The Club is committed to promoting a safe environment in which everyone who participates in Bowls can do so in a safe positive enjoyable environment. It will seek to underpin and ensure this commitment by following and promoting the Safeguarding Children and Adult Policies together with the Anti Bullying Policy
(See Appendix 1 ,2 and 3 attached attached)
Ainsdale Bowling Club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.
Name Position Club Chair
Date 20th Nov 2022
Name Position Club Secretary
Date 20th Nov 2022