AGM Minutes 11th Nov 2018

A.G.M NOVEMBER 11th November 2018

The Chairman. Anne Holmes opened the meeting at 7.30pm.
Attendance Register; V McGee, C & L Adams. M.Jacques, B.Bayliss, A & D.Holmes, H.Russell, C.Jacobs, V & K.Priestner, E & H.Collum, R.Davies, J.Davies, C & G.Walmsley, D.Robertson, D.Bromley, C & E.Tennant, G.Beach, S.McCarter, T.Collins, P.White, E.Gaul, J.Brine,
G & J.Clark and W.Makin.
Apologies received from A. Burrows, M & D.Gott, S. Dunwoodie, J. Deakin, A. Seeley, A.Wilkinson, K.Williamson, J & R.Smith, V & T.Cole, J.Fairclough, S.Waddington, E.Burgess, N.Burrows and S.Jacobs.
Departed Members
The chairman requested those present to stand for a few moments silence to remember those members of the bowling club who had sadly passed away during the past year.
Minutes of A.G.M 2017
These had been previously circulated, were approved unanimously and duly signed as a correct record by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Chairmans Report
The Chairman gave her report highlighting the events that had taken place over the season.
She gave a brief report on the Mixed Day Out, the President’s Day and the Annual Dinner & Prize Presentation evening all of which were highly successful events, thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended, and she thanked the organisers for their hard work on behalf of the club.
She then thanked to the various members who had assisted and provided valuable service during the year, John Davis for maintaining refreshment supplies, Sanny McCarter and his coaching staff, Colin Thomas and his garden labourers and those members who maintain the various flower beds. She added particular thanks to Dave Holmes for his year round attendance of the green ensuring a good playing surface at all times despite some really challenging weather conditions during the year.
She warmly congratulated the ladies section for donating almost £600 to their chosen charity of the year the Southport Inshore Lifeboats.
She continued with a resume of the Team Captains’ reports for each of the men’s & ladies teams, congratulating the men’s Ormskirk ‘A’ team who had finished the season with 100% record, John Clark topping the league merit winning all but one of his games.
Treasurers Report
The Treasurer provided copies of the accounts which gave full details of the income and expenditure for the year. He reported that overall income had remained steady but was boosted this year by the one off sale of redundant equipment. Excess of income over expenditure amounted to £919 and the club’s finances therefore continue to be healthy with current assets of just over £4k.
The Treasure’s accounts were approved unanimously and the Chairman thanked Ged Walmsley for his hard work and efficient management of the clubs finances.

Election of Officers
There being no other nominations, Eddy Tennant was duly elected as Chairman.
There were no nominations for the post of Vice Chairman therefore the post will remain vacant.
Len Adams, Ged Walmsley and Dave Holmes had agreed to continue in office and there being no other nominations were duly elected Secretary, Treasurer and Green Manager respectively.
The outgoing Chairman, Anne Holmes, continues as a committee member and
Vera McGee also agreed to remain for a further year as a committee member.
The new post of Safeguarding Officer was a mandatory requirement of the BCGBA to be appointed for the 2019 season. The committee nomination of Sanny McCarter was approved.
Dave Holmes kindly agreed to accept the post of Bowls section representative on the Main Club committee and Sanny McCarter was re-elected Auditor.
The Committee for 2019 was then proposed and unanimously approved by those present.
President Margaret Jacques
Chairman Eddy Tennant
Vice-Chairman vacancy
Secretary Len Adams
Treasurer Ged Walmsley
Green Manager Dave Holmes
Main Club Rep. Dave Holmes
Lady Captain vacancy
Committee Members Anne Holmes and Vera McGee
Auditor Sanny McCarter
The new Chairman, Eddy Tennant, thanked Anne Holmes for the efficient way she had conducted the business of the club over the past year and hoped that club members would give serious consideration to filling the vacant posts, all of which are important for the effective management of the club.
Constitution Changes
Sanny McCarter outlined the need to amend the Constitution & Rules with the addition of a clause to confirm the Club’s commitment to the Safeguarding of Children and Adults at Risk.
He proposed a suitable form of wording which was unanimously agreed upon by those present.
Selection of Event Organisers
The following members agreed to organise the 2019 social events.
Mixed Day Out Eunice & Hugh Collum and Vera McGee
Men’s Day Out Len Adams & Brian Cunliffe
Fish & Chip Supper vacancy
Annual Dinner Valerie & Kevan Priestner
• John Clark outlined the Main Club’s proposals for the issue of a new type of membership card which would not only be useful in regulating and validating membership but could also be used to give preferential bar prices to bona-fide members. The cost of implementing this system was to be shared between the bar franchisees and the Main Club.
There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chairman at 8.30pm.