A.G.M NOVEMBER 9th November 2020
Due to Covid-19 restrictions the AGM business was conducted by committee members only
utilising a Zoom video-conference facility.
The club membership was advised four weeks prior to the meeting and invited to submit any
proposals or matters for discussion to the Secretary for inclusion in the meeting.
The only item received was a proposal from Trevor Dyson, seconded by Sanny McCarter,
proposing Brian Kneale to the vacant post of Vice-Chair. This was approved by the committee
and Brian was invited to join the meeting.
Val Cole (Chair) opened the meeting at 10.00am.
Present: Val Cole (Chair), Trevor Dyson (Vice-Chair), Ged Walmsley (Treasurer), Sanny
McCarter, Vera McGee, Len Adams (Secretary) and Brian Kneale.
Apologies: Margaret Jacques (President) and Ed Tennant who wished to record his thanks to
the committee and all those members who had worked so very hard during this difficult period
to keep the club going and maintaining a bowling green to be proud of.
In Memorium VC requested the meeting to observe a few moments silence in remembrance of
those club members who we had sadly lost since the last AGM.
David & Maria Gott, Roger Davies, Peter Anderson and Jim Ridehalgh.
Minutes of AGM 2019
These had been previously circulated, were approved and duly signed by the Secretary on behalf
of the Chair.
Matters Arising There were no matters arising.
Officers’ Reports
Reports were then received from the Chair, the Green Manager and the Treasurer.
(copies attached)
Appointment of Officers & Committee for 2021
Val Cole thanked the committee members for the support she had received during her year of
office and invited the Vice-Chair, Trevor Dyson to take over the meeting.
There being no other nominations, the committee formerly approved Brian Kneale to be
appointed as Vice-Chair. TD welcomed Brian to the committee.
SMc was formerly proposed and appointed Auditor and TD agreed to continue as Bowls
representative on the Main Club committee.
SMc and VMcG were proposed and appointed SGOs.
Officers & Committee 2021.
President Margaret Jacques
Chair Trevor Dyson
Vice-Chair Brian Kneale
Secretary Len Adams
Treasurer Ged Walmsley
Green Manager Sanny McCarter
Committee Val Cole (ex-officio)
Vera McGee
Ed Tennant
Safeguarding Officers Sanny McCarter & Vera McGee
Main Club Representative Trevor Dyson
Auditor Sanny McCarter
2. Ainsdale Bowling Club AGM 2020
Any Other Business
GW explained that, although in lockdown, the club had incurred expenditure far in excess of a
normal year due to the various capital projects undertaken during the year.
The cost of these works had been largely offset by grant aid from a number of sources, thanks
mainly to the efforts of SMc, and funds set aside in previous budgets. However, as stated in his
report, due to the support of members we had only just managed to break even and retain a
working bank balance at the end of the year. From projections of future expenditure, standard
green maintenance costs were set to rise considerably, in addition it was not clear what financial
contribution we would be required to make to the Main Club, this particular issue being under
current review by the committee.
Discussions are ongoing regarding the liability of the Main Club with regard to each of the
sports sections and it was to be stressed that the bowling club had fully financed the repairs to
the site boundary wall resulting in a saving to the Main Club of £4k.
SMc stated that the sponsorship money he had been able to raise towards club funds from local
businesses, which has amounted to £6975 over 8 years, will not be continued as he felt it was
becoming increasingly more difficult to generate in the present climate.
Membership Subscriptions
It was agreed that in view of financial uncertainties it would be inappropriate, at the present
time, to formulate a membership subscription for next year. However, the committee will
review subscriptions, refreshment costs and greenage fees in more detail early in the New Year.
It is possible that some restrictions may still need to be adhered to at the start of next season
the committee will therefore need to review the restoration of normal club facilities and
implement adequate procedures to ensure safety. Discussions to be held with the Main Club to
determine a common policy.
SMc reported that the register of emergency contact numbers for members was all but
complete and would be implemented for next season. New members are now required to provide
this information on their Membership Application Form.
Club Electrics
Safety checks carried out on the electrical installation had identified some updating needed.
Main Club to be approached to establish funding responsibility.
VMcG had completed a course on Safeguarding procedures and agreed to support SMc as the
club’s SGO.
Formby Hall
The proposed Dinner and Social evening planned for March next year had to be cancelled due to
the Corona virus and the £250 deposit paid was to be refunded. Thanks were proposed to Kevin
& Val Priestner for the work they had put in to arrange this function.
Date of next Committee meeting 10am Monday 11th January 2021