ABC COMMITTEE MEETING 10 am, Wednesday 15th January 2020
Present: Ed Tennant (Acting Chair), Margaret Jacques (President), Trevor Dyson (V/Chair) Dave Holmes, Vera McGee, Sanny McCarter, Len Adams, Kevan Priestner.
Apologies: Val Cole, Ged Walmsley The minutes of the meeting held on 4th December were approved and signed by ET.
MATTERS ARISING • SMc reported that forms were now available for the ICE register. Some progress had been made and would be completed as members sign up for the new season. • SMc also reported the Main Club had agreed to contribute towards the replacement of the boundary fence and that grant aided funds were now available for the roofing works to be carried out as soon as the weather improves.
TREASURERS REPORT • GW reported finances remain healthy.
GREEN MANAGER • DH gave notice that for personal reasons he would no longer be able to continue as green manager. He suggested that Andrew Church be approached in the short term whilst the club decided upon a new permanent arrangement for green maintenance. • ET thanked Dave on behalf of all the club members for the many years of service he had devoted to maintaining a bowling green and its surroundings which we could all be justly proud of despite many challenging prevailing conditions. • DH promised to contact AC to arrange the early green maintenance.
MAIN CLUB REPORT • DH produced the minutes of the last GP meeting but stated there was nothing relevant to report.
AOB GRANT APPLICATIONS • SMc reported a number of applications had been successful and he was confident that we would now be able to carry out most of the projected works.
CASC • TD produced a spreadsheet he had developed which would enable a suitable claim to be put together. It was agreed that we should proceed with this but commencing only with the 2020 season, it was not considered practical for back dated claims. • SMc stated that Ray Fitzpatrick was the Main Club co-ordinator and claims by the Bowls Section would be processed by him and any monies received back from HMRC would be refunded to the Bowls treasurer from the Main Club accounts. • SMc suggested a small sub committee convene to assist TD.
GREENAGE • It was agreed that this remain at £1 but the limit of 4 visits/PA be strictly applied.
LEAGUE FEES • GW had proposed that in order to simplify the collection process and reduce the workload on the treasurer, all League fees for both Ladies and Men’s leagues be paid directly from Club funds so that individual payments need not be taken in future.. He stated that the club funds were healthy enough for this to be introduced for the coming season but he would keep the issue under close review. • This was agreed unanimously by the committee with thanks to Ged for his report.
BANK SIGNATORIES • It was agreed that the current arrangement of three should continue.
50th ANNIVERSARY DINNER • KP had reviewed the facilities available at Formby Hall Golf Club and recommended it to be eminently suitable. He produced a sample menu and suggested the choice option which cost £28 per head. There would be no room charge for parties over 50. A suitable date was available on Friday 9th October pending committee approval. • This date was agreed and KP was asked to confirm his proposals with FHGC. • It was also agreed to explore the possibility of suitable entertainment. • Presentation of prizes and trophies to be deferred to the AGM in November.
ORMSKIRK & SOUTHPORT VETS LEAGUES • These Leagues now approved the inclusion of mixed teams. It had been suggested that Ainsdale should look at whether there was any enthusiasm amongst members. It was agreed the men’s selection meeting be used to review the issue. LA to email members. 2020 PROGRAMME • A provisional programme was put together with known information, to be completed and confirmed at the next Committee meeting.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 12th February 2020. 10am at 18,Pinfold Lane.