ABC COMMITTEE MEETING 10am, Monday 10th January 2021
Meeting held on Zoom video-chat.

Present: Trevor Dyson (Chair), Brian Kneale (Vice Chair), Val Cole, Vera McGee,
Sanny McCarter, Ged Walmsley, Len Adams.

Apologies: Margaret Jacques (President), Ed Tennant.
The minutes of 9th November 2020 (AGM) meeting were approved and signed by LA on
behalf of the Chair.


• GW reported a year-end balance of approx. £3k which was slightly better than
forecast, however he expressed concern that potential costs for 2021 would exceed
that amount. Proposed delaying any decision on a subscription for this year until we
have more advice from the BCGBA and information regarding any changes in financial
arrangements to be proposed by the Main Club.

• SMc reported the autumn works had been completed satisfactorily but heavy rain
and flooding had caused problems with the new grass seed. Repair work had been
carried out but it may result in patchy new growth.
• Leatherjackets still a problem.
• Green to be cut once in January, twice in February and then reviewed in March.
• Thanked the volunteers for their valuable efforts over the close season they will be
resuming work again once the weather improves.
• It was agreed that a more realistic maintenance programme for the green during
the summer months would be developed later.

• TD stated the management committee were very concerned about the financial
problems facing the club due to the lockdown, with continuing establishment
expenditure and no income being generated.
• He had requested clarity on the services provided to the Bowls section by the Main
Club, this was to be reviewed by the management committee.
It was suggested a fairer distribution of the financial responsibility for ground
maintenance should be sought with just the Cricket & Football sections sharing the
costs associated with the main sports field.
• Negotiations are still ongoing with regards to the 3G franchise, JC involved.
• BCGBA notification that all Bowling greens to remain closed until Government
restrictions are lifted.
• BCGBA fees for 2021 are to be reduced from £35 to £20 for those clubs which
had paid the full amount in 2020.
There is no information available regarding Lancashire Affiliation fees.
Date of next meeting: 10am Monday 8th March.
Signed as a true and correct record
………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman Date …………………………………………