Minutes 12.2.19
ABC COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday 12th February 2019
Present: Ed Tennant (Chairman), Val Cole (Vice-Chair), Margaret Jacques (President)
Ged Walmsley, Dave Holmes, Sanny McCarter, Len Adams.
Apologies: Vera McGee, Anne Holmes
ET welcomed to the meeting, Val Cole who had agreed to accept the post of Vice Chair.
The minutes of the meeting held on 31st October were approved and signed by ET.
• No matters arising
• GW stated that the finances continue to be healthy with a current balance of approx. £3.5k. Only minor expenditure had been incurred over the winter period.
• He reported the Main Club sports levy was to continue at £40 and recommended the Bowls subs to remain at £70 for bowlers and £30 for non-playing members.
This was approved. However, it was understood that there was a motion to be put at the Main Club AGM to reduce the subs for social membership from £20 to just £5.
If approved, our own non-playing membership subs would be reduced accordingly.
• DH reported the winter treatment was now complete and the green had received its first cut. He was disappointed with the general condition of the green and is due to meet with Andrew Church to discuss further treatment.
• The volunteers have continued their good work throughout the winter replacing the perimeter edging boards and with general maintenance work around the green.
• DH had attended the last few meetings and said that not many of the topics discussed affected the bowls section.
• He expressed concern that the football section seemed to be acting without consideration being given to other club sections. The erection of a spectator shelter near the cricket scoreboard may well restrict emergency and other vehicle access to the bowling green. Committee minutes indicated that initial plans were to have been submitted for approval, this had not been complied with.
DH was asked to request that the Main Club committee to issue strict guideline,s binding on all sections, which would ensure safe access to the bowling green at all times and permit ready access for emergency and maintenance vehicles as may be necessary.
• The football section’s purchase and use of a tractor is still ongoing but no further information available at this time.
• LA reported two new members since the last meeting, Les McHugh and Ian Hacking.
Both have registered with the BCGBA and will pay subs due for 2019.
• SMcC to attend a new qualification course at Victoria Park in March/April the cost of £130, this may be met by a grant. Existing qualified coaches will be allowed to continue for time being on payment of an insurance premium of £10.
• Coaching sessions have been arranged for four Saturday mornings in April.
This will be for new applicants for the first hour but a further hour will be allocated to existing members who may wish to improve their game.
• Dates agreed for the 2019 Club Diary. Ladies events to be added when known.
• LA reported March 2nd & 9th sessions now full but other dates can be arranged.
Names of those qualified will be displayed on the club notice board for info.
• SMcC advised grants may be available for capital projects.
Quotes being obtained for perimeter fencing, re-roofing and window replacements.
• SMcC said that ABC now fully compliant with the LCGBA requirements.
Only 50% of clubs have complied so far, the deadline being March this year.
• SMcC advised updates to the Bowls Club Constitution. Generally agreed but changes to be deferred pending a review of the Main Club Constitution.
To be further discussed at April meeting.
• SMcC felt that ABC should comply with the new legislation.
Agreed that a simple declaration document, as per LCGBA requirement, be produced and members requested to sign it on receipt of their membership card. Membership Application form to be modified to include a similar declaration for new members.
• To inform that Val Cole is now Vice-Chair.
• Official Green Opening Sun. 24th March.
Date of next meeting: 10am Tuesday 16th April at 2 Sandbrook Road
Signed as a correct record ………………………………………………………Chairman Date ………………………..