ABC COMMITTEE MEETING 10am, Monday 14th September 2020
Meeting held on Zoom video-chat.
Present: Val Cole (Chair), Trevor Dyson (V/Chair), Vera McGee, Sanny McCarter, Ged Walmsley, Len Adams,
Apologies: Margaret Jacques (President), Ed Tennant.
The minutes of 9th July meeting were approved and signed by LA on behalf of the Chair.
GW anticipated a year-end balance of approx. £2k which was slightly better than forecast. It included costs of continuing work on the borders and the Formby Hall deposit but not the money ringfenced for the Ladies League function.
SMc reported the drainage trench at the Liverpool Road boundary complete, it was thought the elec. cable damaged by the work related to the G3 installation.
All grant works now complete. At completion we had a surplus of £150 in the grant monies however the co-operation received from the Main Club had been poor.
Outbuildings and the area around the water tank had been cleared and redundant materials removed. He reported rodent damage in some of the stored foodstuffs and suggested alternative storage facilities be considered.
SMc had personally obtained £600 sponsorship money from businesses around the village, in order to fund work on the borders.
The roof of the shelter at the South end of the green was in bad condition and needs urgent replacement. Approved for working party to look at this.
Leather jackets still causing concern on the green, Andrew Church to advise.
TD reported the security barrier at the site entrance is now complete and access fobs have been given to all bowling club members who requested them.
Electricity costs still a concern. A report is due from a survey which may provide further information. The beer storage facility is thought to be a major consumer and the new changing rooms also need to be looked at.
The 3G contract is under further review with possibly 3G taking a more active role.
The new signboard at Liverpool Rd will include all sections in the overall design.
Next committee meeting is 23rd Sept. TD to attend.
A notice from the BCGBA confirmed the continuation of the Phase 3 guidelines. Agreed that existing protocols should remain in place until the end of the season.
SMc felt that committee should consider the possibility of opening the clubhouse & toilets at the earliest opportunity. Agreed to leave that issue until next season.
GW outlined the Y/E bank balance of £2k is less than he would like. He estimated a loss of membership following the crisis suggesting we estimate for 100 members.
A substantial increase in both subscriptions and refreshment charges was needed neither had been raised for a number of years.
SMc produced an estimate of costs for green maintenance. This represented a considerable increase over 2020 costs but he stressed they were provisional costs and were probably a maximum. Use was now being made of the ancillary equipment attached to the new mower with good results. He thanked Mike Bond for his hard work this year and recommended we retain his services and also gave thanks to the volunteer work force for their valuable contribution.
SMc no longer wished to pursue sponsorship which has previously provided welcome funds. GW suggested thought be given to reinstating various fund-raising events, in past years these have been useful sources of income.
Following detailed discussion, it was agreed that annual subscriptions and the cost of refreshments should be raised. GW to formulate proposals.
Green to be closed to members on Sunday 4th October. LA to notify members.Andrew Church to begin contract work week commencing 5th October.
Due to the crisis no formal meeting to be convened, current Officers to remain in post for 2021 with TD taking over the Chair. VC to remain as a committee member.
LA to send out notices including usual AGM reports and an invitation for a Vice-Chair to replace VC.
Following recent incident on the green, suggested re-locating the Defib. to an external wall. SMc to pursue.
TD suggested a new series of Defib. training sessions. VMc to pursue.
Health & Safety Policy.
SMc gave details of a policy document to be included as part of the Club’s general policy statements.
Safeguarding Officer.
SMc felt we should have a second nominated person and suggested VMc as suitably qualified. VMc accepted nomination.
Date of next meeting: 10am Monday 9th November.
Signed as a true and correct record

………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman Date ………………………………………………