Minutes 16.4.19
ABC COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday 16th April 2019
Present: Ed Tennant (Chairman), Margaret Jacques (President) Ged Walmsley, Vera McGee, Anne Holmes, Dave Holmes, Sanny McCarter, Len Adams. Apologies: Val Cole The minutes of the meeting held on 12th February were approved and signed by ET.
No matters arising
TREASURERS REPORT GW reported on sundry expenses stating that the finances continue to be healthy.
GREEN MANAGER DH said that the green was in a reasonable condition for the time of year but there was still annoying damage being caused by birds.
MAIN CLUB REPORT DH reported that the issues between cricket & football sections over fencing continued and that the emergency access to the bowling green still posed a problem. SMc quoted a report by the Main Club committee which was critical of the bowling section with particular reference to the fact that we do not use club facilities for our annual dinner. General discussion held that this was a special occasion to which the club facilities were not really suitable and recent experience suggested the outside catering provisions to be sub-standard. DH said he would raise the matter at the next committee meeting. LA reported that the new membership cards which offered discount bar prices were now available and have been distributed to most bowls members. LA read out a note from John Clark regarding car parking on the grass verges at the site entrance. Discussion held that bowls members were not the only transgressors and that previous main club committees had endorsed such parking when the main car park was full. It was pointed out that the only way to prevent parking completely was the erection of a simple rope or chain fence. LA instructed to respond to JC’s note making the points raised.
COACHING SMc reported the success of coaching sessions being held this month which he said were well received not only by potential new members, following an advert in the village, but also by several existing members who wished to improve. He also reported that the BCGBA are able to offer qualified coaching to member clubs if thought appropriate.
AOB Defib. Training VMc reported 35 people had completed the course and received certificates. A list of competent members is posted on the club notice board. ET thanked VMc for arranging the successful training sessions.
Grant Application SMc said he had prepared a grant application based on estimates received for the fence replacement, the clubhouse roof repairs and the glazing. He expressed some doubt as to the validity of the information received from Sefton regarding the National Lottery and suggested it may be possible to approach Sport England. GW suggested that the fencing should be referred back to the main club as a safety issue and that the bowls section could make provision in its next budget to carry out roof repairs based on competitive quotations.
Safeguarding SMc stated that the bowls section fully complied with the requirements of the BCGBA with respect to safeguarding. He would continue to assist other club sections to reach a similar status.
Constitution It was noted that the Main Club had agreed to adopt a suitable model Constitution. SMc suggested that we amend our Constitution to bring it in line with the Main Club He proposed a sub-committee to put this together and report back to the next bowls committee meeting. Formal approval would need to wait until the Bowls AGM.
GDPR The committee unanimously approved a resolution to adopt and conform to the full requirements of the new Data Protection Regulations.
Floodlights. It was noted that one lamp was badly adjusted. DH reported difficulty in finding a practical solution. It was also reported that a complaint had been made to Environmental Services but it is unlikely to refer to the bowls club lighting.
Sponsorship SMc reported on the increasing difficulty in obtaining sponsorship from local businesses. It was suggested that members refer to sponsors when seeking services so that businesses become aware of the effectiveness of their sponsorship.
Website SMc reported the renewal of the annual cost for the website hosts to be £50. This was approved. Old Bowls It was reported that many old bowls are stored in the clubhouse. It was agreed those with identifying markings could be offered for sale to new members but those for which no information could be determined should be disposed of.
Date of next meeting: 10am Tuesday 28th May at 2 Sandbrook Road
Signed as a correct record ………………………………………………………Chairman Date ……………………….