MINUTES 21st SEPT 2021

ABC COMMITTEE MEETING (held in Clubhouse) 10am, Monday 20th September 2021
Present: Trevor Dyson (Chair), Margaret Jacques (President), Brian Kneale (Vice Chair),
Vera McGee, Ged Walmsley, Len Adams.
Apologies: Sanny McCarter, Val Cole.
The minutes of 5th July 2021 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
MATTERS ARISING BK asked if any redress for the fault on the mower following its
recent service. Agreed green had improved now the problem resolved.
 Club finances reported stable.
 Confirmation of offer received for Business Interruption claim still awaited.
 Water leaks identified by specialist. 4 new water meters fitted for monitoring
purposes, 2 in Bowls, one to the sprinkler system and another in the toilet block.
 Bar – 10 year franchise formerly agreed..
 Electricity – Now certified safe but complete re-wire to be planned for future.
 New contract to be issued for grass cutting of playing areas.
 All outstanding expenditure accounted, year-end balance to be c £2k, better than
 Suggest consideration given to replace mower used for surround areas. Repair costs
difficult to justify.
 GW to investigate a business banking account with HSBC due to closure of regular bank
branch services
 SMcC unavailable for this meeting.
 LA confirmed 18 new members joined this year, most from coaching programme.
Current membership: 123 (52 ladies, 71 men) including 5 social and 2 life members.
 No further guidance from BCGBA. All restrictions now lifted with regard to access
to facilities and numbers of players and visitors.
2022 Budget
 GW considered that all known expenditure could be met by subs from a membership
of 115.
 The £70 subscription had not been increased since 2011 and had already absorbed
an increase in the Main Club Sports levy. Suggested a £10 increase would provide a
useful cushion for the future.
2022 League Teams.
 Survey required to determine availability of members for various leagues. LA to
circulate request for membership views.
Green Closure
 Immediately following last Vets home game on 4th October. Contractors require
6/7 weeks to complete maintenance works.
 Availability of green for winter bowling had been requested. This was considered to
be unlikely and would be solely at the discretion of the Green Manager.
Social Bowling
 VMcG asked if thought could be given to re-introducing social bowling events to
encourage newer members.
 LA & BK agreed to run an end of season event similar to the successful President’s
Day on Sunday 26th September. LA to circulate details.
 Suggested additional representation on committee needed from Ladies. To be
addressed at AGM.
 Following additional dates now confirmed:
AGM: 7.30pm Sunday 21st November
Men’s Team Captain’s meeting: 7.30pm Monday 13th December
Men’s Team Selection meeting: 7.30pm Monday 24th January
All venues the Main Club Lounge.
Date of next meeting: Venue: Main Club Lounge. 10am Monday 25th October 2021.
Signed as a true and correct record
………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman Date ……………………………………