Minutes 23rd July 2019
ABC COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday 23rd July 2019 Present: Ed Tennant (Chairman), Margaret Jacques (President), Val Cole (Vice Chair) Vera McGee, Dave Holmes, Anne Holmes, Ged Walmsley, Sanny McCarter, Len Adams.
Apologies:. The minutes of the meeting held on 28th May were approved.
MATTERS ARISING No matters arising
TREASURERS REPORT GW reported a healthy state of the finances. Balance in bank c £6.5k.
GREEN MANAGER DH had nothing to report but stated that the green was at last starting to improve.
MAIN CLUB REPORT Nothing to report from the committee. However SMc was still not happy about the progress with regard to vehicle access to the green. The route proposed by the committee, at the rear of the scoreboard was inevitably blocked. It was agreed that vehicles accessing the green should in future pass in front of the scoreboard. It was very rare for access to be needed whilst a cricket match was in progress, which had been the source of the original complaint.
COACHING SMc felt that his coaching sessions had been well received and successful with several new members joining as a result and he thanked his fellow coaches for their valuable support.
AOB SMc outlined the progress to date on the development of a new Constitution. The aim was to clear anomalies relating to membership applications, to bring it in line with a revised Main Club Constitution and to adopt the recommendations of Sport England with regard to safeguarding and child protection policies. It was also proposed to bring the present ladies’ and men’s sections together into one section for the purpose of simplified administration. The arrangements for ladies’ social activities and the requirements for the various league affiliations would remain unchanged. SMc explained the new clauses which had been proposed by the sub –committee and apart from a few minor amendments the new Constitution received the general approval of the committee. SMc agreed to incorporate the amendments and to circulate the final draft for the formal approval of the committee and presentation to the AGM. Following committee approval, LA to ensure each subscribing member receives a copy within the time scale for propositions to the AGM.
SMc gave an update on the progress of his attempts to obtain a grant for essential repair works in and around the clubhouse. Following discussion with the Treasurer he had been able to offer a contribution of £1k which he thought would assist a new application.
SMc raised the issue of establishing an up to date ICE register. This had been tried previously with only limited success and he felt that we should now adopt a more rigorous campaign. LA said that a line for a valid ICE contact had been included on the application form for new members and he would now send out a circular to all existing members requesting they provide the relevant information.
SMc reported that the sponsorship boards for those organisations from whom donations were not forthcoming would be removed.
Date of next meeting: TBA
………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman Date ………………….……………………….