MINUTES 29th MAY 2020
ABC COMMITTEE MEETING 2pm, Friday 29th May 2020
Meeting held on Zoom video-chat
Present: Val Cole,(Chair),Trevor Dyson (V/Chair), Vera McGee, Sanny McCarter,
Ged Walmsley, Len Adams,
Apologies: Margaret Jacques (President), Ed Tennant
The minutes of the meeting held on 12th February were approved and signed by LA on behalf of the Chair.
• GW reported 86 members had now paid the reduced subscription for 2020. LA to send out a reminder to those still outstanding.
• SMcC reported a new pump installed on the watering system. It was more powerful than the original unit and gave an improved spread over the green, the programmer had been re-calibrated to suit.
• The grass on the green being maintained at 6mm, which was higher than normal for this time of year but helped the continued recovery of the green.
• Volunteer workers had continued throughout the lockdown and had completed the first part of the re-instatement of the gutter lining.
They had made a request to purchase weed killer for the green surrounds and a replacement hoe and a spade, this was approved.
• The manufacturer of the new mower, Dennis, to offer a free green maintenance course. He proposed Mike Bond and himself to attend.
• Graham & Steve Johnston have painted much of the wood surfaces, doors and furniture etc. around the green, cost of paint approved.
• SMc informed that grass cutting removal going well but we need volunteers to look after the borders, LA to include a request in the next group email.
• SMc stated that he would liaise with the works volunteers to inspect and develop a programme of future site improvements.
• TD reported on a meeting to discuss the reinstatement of the land drain along the Liverpool Road boundary. Maintaining vehicle access was an issue to be considered but the offer of a drain from the bowling green not to be pursued at this time.
• Travellers parked on site causing minor damage but had since been removed by bailiffs. Bowling green was unaffected.
• Temporary bollards to be put in place to prevent further incursion, TD to be the key holder for the bowls section.
Bowlers using the green must now park on adjacent roads.
• Crowd-funding established to finance a more permanent security solution including locked gates and CCTV cover.
• SMc & TD produced a draft report to be issued to the Main Club committee with a view to establishing a permanent right of access to the bowling green. Although Main Club involved in pressing issues at this time it was felt important that we make some progress on the matter with both Football & Cricket sections.
• No change at the moment, league bowling unlikely before the end of the year.
Partial lifting of sanctions to be approved by BCGBA and new guidance issued to enable bowling to commence. Sub Committee to evaluate and establish a club protocol for safety and the provision of bowling facilities. Phase 1 already in place, Phase 2 to be issued imminently.
• SMc reported grant aid had provided for the re-roofing and the window replacements which were now fully completed..
He had also received firm commitments which would finance the replacement of the boundary fencing. Work could be commenced in July depending on labour & materials
• The grant funding will enable the work to the fence which is the primary responsibility of the Main Club to be completed without a contribution from the Main Club. This has resulted in a financial saving to the Main Club of up to £4900 as a maximum and £1000 minimum.
• After discussion, it was suggested that the £1k promised from the Main Club budget for the fence replacement could be offered as a contribution from the bowls section towards the new site security works.
• Nothing to add until league bowling is started again. Possibility that donations to the crowd-funding could benefit from CASC.
• SMcC reported 72 entries so far.
Date of next meeting: TBA
Signed as a true and correct record
………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman Date ……………………………………………