Minutes 31.10.18

ABC COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday 31st October 2018
Present: Anne Holmes (Chairman), Ed Tennant (Vice Chairman),
Margaret Jacques (President), Vera McGee, Ged Walmsley, Dave Holmes, Sanny McCarter and Len Adams.
Apologies: None
The minutes of the meeting held on 28th August were approved and signed by AH.
• No matters arising
• GW reported that the finances continue to be in a healthy state with a year-end surplus of approx. £2300 which included the sale of equipment.
Bank balance was approx. £4k. and with cash in hand.
Expenditure since the last meeting included replacement battery and a new cabinet for the defibrillator and continuing work on the green by A. Church.
He stated that following the Main Club de-registering for VAT, we had incurred
approx. £500 additional expenditure in 2018, and a similar figure was likely in
future years.

• D.H stated that the heavy maintenance work on the green has now been completed satisfactorily and the green is looking well with no problems to report.
The replacement of the wood edging around the green is progressing steadily and the volunteer working party are doing well.
• ET reported the discussion at main club committee with respect to the car parking on the driveway grass verges. There appeared to be conflicting arguments over the issue, however notices are to be placed in the area to advise visitors to park in the main car park. The bowls section to continue to press for emergency access to the bowling green to be preserved at all times.
The football section is continuing their investigation into the purchase and use of a tractor but no further information available at this time.
Another mini-stand was planned for the football pitch adjacent to the bowling green clubhouse. It was not thought access to the green will be affected.
• Changes necessary due to conflicting bookings for the main club lounge mainly affecting Monday meetings. New dates confirmed with Andy Barlow.
• AGM Sunday 11th November 7.30pm.
• Men’s Captains meeting Tuesday 11th December
• Men’s team selection meeting Monday 28th January.
• SMcC repeated the information given at the previous meeting regarding the BCGBA and the Bowls Development Alliance, a national body encompassing all bowling disciplines. The revised coaching system would introduce various qualification levels for coaches. Accreditation for existing coaches would probably be accepted initially.
It was thought the costs associated with the new courses would be resisted.
Further information is expected from the BCGBA and details will be circulated to members when available.
• One new member, Les McHugh, to be registered with LCGBA.
• SMcC stated that proposed changes to the Bowls Club Constitution regarding membership applications is to be withdrawn pending a review by the Main Club.
• Defibrillation training. VMcG agreed to make further contact with the trainer with a view to arranging a suitable date or dates depending on numbers wishing to participate, a change to March next year was proposed.
• SMcC reported that viewing of the website by members was increasing and further relevant information was being added.
• LA suggested that putting a copy of committee meeting minutes on the website would give members more involvement in the affairs of the club. This was thought to be worth trying and was agreed subject to prior approval of committee members.

There being no further business, AH closed the meeting at 11.55am

Date of next meeting: TBA after AGM

Signed as a correct record ……………………………………………………… Chairman Date …………………….