ABC COMMITTEE MEETING 11am, Thursday 9th July 2020
Meeting held on Zoom video-chat
Present: Trevor Dyson (V/Chair), Vera McGee, Sanny McCarter, Len Adams,
Apologies: Margaret Jacques (President), Ed Tennant, Val Cole (Chair), Ged Walmsley.
The minutes of the meeting held on 29th May were approved and signed by LA on behalf of
the Chair.
• SMc gave GW’s report. Potential running costs for the year had been assessed at
approx. £4k which would reduce the club’s bank balance to just £1k. GW did not
consider this to be sufficient to deal with unforeseen emergencies.
SMc to review projected figures to see if savings can be made.
• SMc reported the digging of a new drainage trench at the Liverpool Road boundary
had damaged the water supply to the bowling green in two places, now repaired
A pipe enclosing the electrical supply was also damaged, to be repaired.
• Dennis (mower mfr) has given detailed instructions on operation of mower and
accessories to Mike Bond. Planned for further instruction to Jim Alldritt & Alan
Sumner to provide standby cover for Mike. Trevor Dyson & Brian Kneale have also
expressed interest.
• A group of 5 regular workers continue to provide maintenance work around the
green, now in good condition. Rubbish in and around the water tank area now cleared.
Volunteer workers have each received a hand crafted ‘Thank You’ card from VMcG.
• Waste disposal still a problem. Poor response to email request for assistance from
members, situation may now be eased with opening of Formby tip.
• Store building is very full and congested. An inventory of goods in store to be
undertaken and a clear out of items no longer required.
• Work to replace the boundary fence adjoining Coniston Court to be commenced
Monday 20th July. Green to be closed for that week to allow contractors clear
workspace. LA to notify membership.
• Shelters on the boundary fence to be repaired and replaced. Flats committee have
been helpful, allowing space for a trailer and a van to be located in their
carparking area.
• A further skip required to remove accumulated rubbish from around the bowling
green, approx cost £220. LA to request Main Club to assist.
• SMc to meet with Andrew Church re projected maintenance costs for 2021.
• TD reported the bowling club’s vehicle access proposals were fully approved by the
Main Club at their last committee meeting and they have now been incorporated into
the Main Club’s formal policy documents.
• Work on new security barrier at Liverpool Road entrance to be started 13th July.
Operation of the barrier will be by key fob. All subscribing members can obtain a
fob for a £5 refundable deposit. A separate key pad will provide access for visitors
and visiting teams , the number to be changed regularly by the club management and
sections advised of number in advance.
TD to co-ordinate list of bowling club members who require a key fob.
LA to circulate details to membership.
• New signs planned at Liverpool Road entrance to include details of all sections.
It was not clear just what information was required or how it will be displayed.
TD to seek clarification from Main Club committee.
• Further changes in guidelines announced by BCGBA, Phase 2a, to include allowing up
to 30 people to be around the green at any one time providing adequate social
distancing measures can be observed and also guidance on the opening of club
• Committee approved the 30 person limit, if applicable, but not the opening of toilets
and clubhouse. Detailed consideration needed on a practical solution to possible
cleaning regimes required before normal facilities could be restored. TD to raise
this issue at Main Club committee as other sections may be similarly affected.
Agreed that the current guidelines being followed by ABC to remain unchanged.
• SMc offered to organise a series of club competitions. These would be based on a
Round-Robin formula with members arranging their own playing times through the
current booking system. Suggested separate comps to be held throughout August
and September, either male/female or mixed formats as preferred by members.
LA to circulate details to membership.
• TD raised the issue of this year’s AGM and next year’s committee.
It was agreed that the actual AGM must be in doubt at this stage but similar
organisations have adopted a ‘Status quo’ solution providing that current committee
members are prepared to continue.
LA to liaise with Val Cole and further discussion held at next meeting.
Date of next meeting: TBA
Signed as a true and correct record
………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman Date ……………………………………………