A.G.M NOVEMBER 21st November 2021


The Chair, Trevor Dyson opened the meeting at 8.00pm.
Attendance Register 33: T&K. Dyson, C& L. Adams, T&G. Walmsley, G&J. Clark, K&V. Priestner,
M. Jacques, N. Burrows, V. McGee, E. Burgess, B. Kneale, H. Russell, L. Woods, A. Holmes,
H. Salter, C. Hughes, E. Tennant, L. Bigley, J. Johnson, D. Suthern, S. McCarter, P. White,
J. Smith, G. Beach, D. Roberts, J. Alldritt, B. Clegg, A. Wilson and B. Fairhurst.
Apologies received from 17: H. Preece, S&T. Biddolph, H. Amer, B. Baylis, A. Wilkinson,
A. Burrows, J. Davies, J. Fairclough, V. Cole, B. McEwan, M. Hilton, S&C. Jacobs, L. Kneale,
P. Jacques and B. Davies.

In Memorium

The Chair then requested all those present to stand for a few moments in silence to remember
those members of the bowling club who had sadly passed away during the past two years.
David & Maria Gott, Peter Anderson, Roger Davies, Jim Ridehalgh, Terry Cole, Jean Horton,
Mary Robinson & Frankie Platt..

Minutes of AGM 2020

Although the meeting had been conducted by the committee members only, due to Covid
restrictions, minutes had been previously circulated to members and were posted on the club
website. They were approved unanimously and duly signed as a correct record by the Chair.

Matters Arising – None

Chairmans Report

The Chairman then gave his report, reflecting on events over the last two years. He touched
briefly on the effect of the Covid pandemic on the sport generally and the way in which the
Ainsdale Club had responded.
He gave a warm tribute to the retiring President Margaret Jacques, thanking her for all the
support she has given the club and her much appreciated services to the club particularly
through a most difficult period of time.
He expressed appreciation for the work carried out by the volunteer working party members
throughout the pandemic and gave thanks to Mike Bond, our professional greenkeeper, and also
to Gwen & John Clark who managed to dispose of the waste grass cuttings again despite
restricted access to waste facilities.
He then reported a change in the Ladies Social Committee which was now under new
management, wishing them continued success and thanked the retiring members for their
valuable services over previous years.
Thanks were given to Sanny McCarter and Vera McGee for their successful coaching system
which had resulted in attracting over 20 new members during the past year.
He mentioned the various social events including the successful President’s Day, the round robin
competitions and finally the End of Season Bash enjoyed by all who attended and which was so
well organised by Gwen & John Clark.
He then reported on the success of the several grant applications which had resulted in a total
of £9900 being donated by Sports England, the National Lottery and the Arnold Clark
Community Fund. These funds being used to finance the new Gazebo, new paving around the
green and the completion of the rubber lining of the green gutters.
League bowling had been re-started for the 2020 season including 3 teams in Southport Parks
league, 3 Southport Ladies teams, 2 Men’s Vet’s teams and 2 teams in the Ormskirk League and
a team in the Westhead league. Unfortunately the Ladies Vet’s League had been unable to
reform but some friendly fixtures were played during the year.
Reports had been received from the various team Captains mostly thanking the players who had
been able to participate under difficult circumstances and generally everyone looking forward to
resuming a full fixture list in a more settled situation next season.
A report was given on the proposed joint submission to HMRC by all sections of the Ainsdale
Club in order to take advantage of the tax rebate available to Community Sports organisations.
A predicted windfall of c £600 is anticipated if the submission is approved.
Finally Trevor thanked his colleagues on the committee for their support over the last two years
and urged all members to seriously consider becoming involved in running the club, it is a friendly
club run by its members for its members.

Treasurers Report

The Treasurer provided copies of the accounts which gave full income and expenditure details
for the year. He summarised by reporting that the account currently showed a total balance of
£9692 of which £6400 was ring-fenced to complete the grant aided projects. This left a final
balance to the account for the year of £3292. He considered this to be a reasonably
satisfactory outcome given the extraordinary expenditure incurred due to Covid and it gives a
reasonable base from which to start the new season.
Ged made the point that if the CASC submission to HMRC was successful, the income derived
from that would be used to fund member’s league registration fees.
The Chairman thanked Ged Walmsley for his efficient management of the club’s finances.
Mention had been made of the money held for the Chris Tennant Fund which had been donated
to Queenscourt Hospice in Chris’s name at the request of Ed Tennant. Ed expressed his sincere
thanks all those ladies who had been involved.

Election of Officers

President. The Chairman, Trevor Dyson, presented Len Adams as the committee nomination to
replace Margaret Jacques as President.
Chair. In accordance with the Constitution the Vice-Chair, Brian Kneale, was declared Chairman.
Vice-Chair. One nomination received for this office. Karen Dyson, proposed by Lyn Woods and
seconded by Heather Salter. Karen was therefore duly appointed.
There being no other nominations, the following officers agreed to remain in office.
Secretary. Len Adams,
Treasurer. Ged Walmsley
Safeguarding Officers, Sanny McCarter and Vera McGee
Green Manager. Sanny McCarter
Main Club Representative. Only one nomination received for this office. Brian Kneale, proposed
by Trevor Dyson and seconded by Len Adams. Brian was therefore duly appointed.
Committee Member. No nominations received therefore this post remains open.
Ex-Officio Member. In accordance with the Constitution, the retiring Chair, Trevor Dyson, was
declared ex-officio.
Auditor. There being no other nominations, Sanny McCarter agreed to remain in office.

General Business

Constitution. A proposition received from Sanny McCarter, seconded by Len Adams to amend
Clause 1, the name of the Main Club to be changed from the ‘Ainsdale Sports and Social Club’ to
‘The Ainsdale Club’ in order to correspond with amendments to the Main Club Constitution.
This was passed unanimously.

Clubhouse and Toilet Cleaning. A proposition received from the Ladies Social committee
proposed by Karen Dyson, and seconded by Heather Salter, that consideration be given to a
permanent change to the current arrangements for cleaning and offering two possible
alternative arrangements.
The Chair, Brian Kneale, explained that the proposition for change must be voted upon in the
first instance, then if a change was approved, then the alternative arrangements could be
discussed and put to the membership for a decision.
Several points of view were made, the general consensus being that the previous arrangements
organised by the ladies social committee had worked well but had been adversely affected by
the extra hygiene requirements of the Covid regulations.
A vote was then taken and the proposition was heavily defeated.

The Chair, Brian Kneale, then asked if the Ladies Social committee could formulate a practical
system along similar lines to those which operated in previous years.

Social Events. Brian Kneale stated that volunteers would be needed to offer their services to
run various social events throughout the year. Typical events included:
Summer Social
Mixed Day Out
Ladies Day Out
Men’s Day Out
Annual Dinner and Prize Presentation
President’s Cup
Chairman’s Cup
Trevor Dyson agreed to organise the Men’s Day Out. There were no other offers of assistance
at the meeting.


 Bob Fairhurst asked if the club could give consideration to more social bowling events.
A general discussion followed when various options were outlined. Interest in open
handicap competitions had declined over previous years but recent social competitions
had attracted many of the newer members.
 Bob Fairhurst and Dave Roberts agreed to be involved in arranging a regular series of
events of this nature.
4. Ainsdale Bowling Club AGM 2021
 Sanny McCarter stated he would be willing to resume the various merit competitions he
had successfully organised in the past.
 A query was raised regarding 2022 subscriptions. Ged Walmsley stated that it was too
early to set a figure. A major part of our subscription included a sports levy which was
determined by the Main Club and until that fee was known no decision can be made.
There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chair, Brian Kneale at 9.15pm.
Signed as a correct record.
………………………………………………………………………………. Chair Date …………