News Letter Spring 2019
Now that we are already into March it is time to start thinking seriously about polishing up your woods ready for the new season ahead.
• The committee is pleased to report that Val Cole has kindly agreed to accept the post of Vice-Chair and will succeed the current Chairman, Eddy Tennant, next year.
• Dave Holmes, our hardworking Green Manager, reports that the extensive winter maintenance works have now been completed and that the green has received its first cut of the season.
• The official opening of the green will be at 1.00pm on Sunday 24th March when, in accordance with Ainsdale tradition, our President, Margaret Jacques will bowl the first wood.
There will no doubt be tea and nibbles available so please come along, support Margaret, have some fun bowling and get the season off to a good start.
• Our treasurer, Ged Walmsley, reports the club finances remain healthy so the good news is that, subject to no drastic changes announced at the Main Club AGM, our annual subscription will stay the same at just £70.
• The BCGBA, crown green bowling’s governing body, in line with all other sports, has legislated that all bowling clubs must appoint a Safeguarding Officer.
The appointed person is to be responsible for the safety and welfare of all members, in particular children and people who may be considered vulnerable.
Sanny McCarter is the appointed officer for Ainsdale Bowling Club.
• Training in the use of the club’s Defibrillator has been arranged by Vera McGee. The first two sessions were well attended and very well presented by a professional trainer, Declan.
There is no doubt whatsoever that the defibrillator is a potential life-saver and the more people who are confident in the use of it the safer we will all be.
If you have not yet attended a session and would like to do so please have a word with Vera, more sessions can be easily arranged.
• Coaching news. Sanny McCarter is again intending to have a four week beginners coaching course at the Green, starting at 10.00am on Saturday 6th April 2019 and also on the following Saturdays in April.
Full details will be displayed in the Village. If you know of any friends or relations who may be interested please have them get in touch.
Sanny and his coaching team also intend to have a four week improvers coaching session which will follow on from the beginners coaching and starting at 11.00am on the 6th April 2019.
This is intended for any member who would like to improve their bowling ability. Please ring Sanny McCarter on 01704 576211 or e-mail at to reserve your place.
• The Main Club AGM will be held at 7.30pm on Sunday 24th March, all bowls club members are invited to attend.
Len Adams, Secretary