MINUTES 20th AUG 2024
Venue: New committee room, Ainsdale Club, 10am Wednesday 20th August 2024.
Present: Karen Dyson (Chair), Trevor Dyson, Bob Fairhurst, Ed Tennant,
Gary Baker, Brian Kneale and Len Adams.
Apologies: Vera McGee, Pat White and Haydn Preece.
MINUTES The minutes of 15th May 2024 were approved and signed by the Chair.
Pleased with the green’s performance and positive feedback from club members and
visiting clubs. Mike Bond doing great job mowing the green.
Swishing/ switching isn’t being done before club matches which is disappointing, captains should be responsible for allocating players to do this on arrival.
Mowers have been serviced. Cut-off handle failed a couple of weeks after service. Andrew Church to repair. All green work completed until first week in Sept. when we will sow seed.
Diary continues to be on issue, when changes are made a simple text to alert me is required.
Winter Opening. I think we should try this as on experiment with a winter fee being charged.
I propose a £15 charge, opening Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays starting November until second week in March. Limited to 50 members. Weather will dictate how much winter play is possible.
A coded padlock to be placed on entry door. HP or Mike Bond to determine fitness of green.
Frost is a total no play with three days recovery needed after frost. Use common sense if green is too wet or soft and not running. Hopefully we could have a winter competition.
For future discussion, we will need to invest in our own push sprayer, Andrew Church happy to do the COSH sprays but not going to be as available for seaweed, iron, feed sprays. Cost will be c. £750. Andrew to check if he has a spare one which could be a cheaper purchase.
A repair is still required of the fourth irrigation head. Akwa Irrigation are aware, it was due to be repaired early spring but Akwa didn’t come back to me as promised, I delayed repair work as it required digging up paving slabs and I did not want to create a mess prior to judges inspection.
This will now be done as we drain the system for the winter or when we restore in the spring.
Refurbishment of the bar seating area, toilets, cupboards underneath the bar and
flooring all complete at a cost of £40,000.
Finances in stable position
Future planning is to reposition the ramp outside of clubhouse and redecorate the
main room.
Neighbours complain of noise from the fans outside the clubhouse. Looking at
building a box around the fans at an angle to reduce noise level. All agreed fan sound is minimal.
Franchise in a good position. Club doing well over last two months. New App up and
Running, 60 members have joined so far.
Cricket season finished. Football season will begin and their subs will be due
The Bowls Club finances are in good order, current bank balance c £13k.
Some accounts to pay. Predicted year-end balance c £6k.
Planned to open saving account to attract some bank interest.
MEMBERSHIP (LA) Nothing to report.
Coaching, possibly two vacancies to team, Sanny Mc to be consulted.
Safeguarding also a possible vacancy to fill.
Saturday competitions very successful and enjoyed by those members taking part, hope for more support next season.
ABC included in Ainsdale bid for Britain in Bloom, awards to be announced in October.
Re-building programme required to improve clubhouse.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 10am Tuesday 24th September
Signed as a true and correct record ………………………………………………………… Chair
Date ………………………………………………………….