MINUTES 21st OCT 2024

Venue: Ainsdale Club, 10am Monday 21st October 2024.
Present: Karen Dyson (Chair), Bob Fairhurst (V/Chair), Trevor Dyson, Pat White, Ed Tennant,
Gary Baker, Haydn Preece and Len Adams.
Apologies: Brian Kneale and Vera McGee.
MINUTES The minutes of 24th September 2024 were approved and signed by the Chair.
All autumn renovation work completed according to plan.
Aiming to achieve a carpet-like playing surface for next season.
Sprinkler system to be drained for frost protection and known faults repaired.
Weekend winter bowling is not recommended but a number of one-day competitions could be organised subject to suitable weather conditions.
Importance stressed of switching the green before play starts, enquiry to be made whether an easier to manage switch is available.
Gap in fence in NE corner to be closed to prevent illegal access.
Finances in a steady position. Football section subs being paid.
Cricket nets and playing surfaces damaged by fire from neighbouring property. Solicitor instructed to settle insurance claim estimated at £22k.
Ground now in very good condition.
Trees behind Main Clubhouse to be lopped in January.
Options to be considered for re-siting disabled access ramp.
Quingo night, combined quiz & bingo, to be held in Main Club lounge on Friday 20th December, all sections invited. Notice to be sent out to Bowls members.
The Bowls Club finances in good order, current bank balance c £7k. Further Andrew Church
& Mike Bond accounts to be paid.
Still pursuing plan to open saving account in order to attract bank interest.
MEMBERSHIP (LA) Nothing to report.
• Coaching – to be continued again next season, Sanny Mc to organise. Agreed no further addition required to coaching staff although one member has expressed an interest.
Suggested more needs to be done to retain members joining from coaching courses. Competitive bowling can be daunting to new members but social events prove successful and new lady members should be encouraged to join Ladies’ Tuesday afternoon sessions.
• Ladies section – more support needed from all lady members especially in the organisation of the ladies’ comps and ladies only events.
• Presentation Dinner – Thanks expressed to organisers for another highly successful event.

• AGM – A Vice Chair and one new committee member needed for next year, preferably from the lady members to ensure a balanced committee.
Poor attendance at previous AGMs cause for concern. Further notice will be sent out nearer the date to remind members and try to improve attendance.
• Toilet cleaning – External contract agreed, enquiries to be made re cost and availability.
• BBQ – Following success of recent competition day where a BBQ proved popular, suggested club investigate a suitable purchase for future events. Cleaning and regular maintenance was considered to be a possible drawback. Enquiry to be made whether BBQ owned by Main Club could be borrowed and used if required. Ed Tennant kindly offered a small gas unit for club use.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: To be determined at AGM
Signed as a true and correct record ………………………………………………………… Chair
Date ………………………………………………………….