Arrangements have been made for a day out at the VM Sports & Social Club in Longton on Saturday 24th August
This is a popular venue with two bowling greens and a comfortable lounge area with full bar facilities. The cost will be just £30 per head and will include, hire of the green for the day, tea/coffee on arrival, a buffet lunch and an evening meal, the bar will be open from lunchtime onwards. We would plan to arrive there to start bowling at 10.30am and leave at approx. 6.30pm following the evening meal.

An easy bowling, round robin form of competition will be run throughout the day, hopefully with some sort of prize for the best performances. Coach travel to and from the venue can be arranged, at extra cost, if sufficient people are interested.

We do need at least 30 people to make the event a viable proposition so an early indication of those interested is most important. There is a notice in the clubhouse for members to register their interest and it would be appreciated if those wishing to go would indicate their name as soon as possible so that arrangements can be confirmed and finalised.

Len Adams, Secretary

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